POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : traffic wardens (Grrr!) : Re: traffic wardens (Grrr!) Server Time
5 Nov 2024 09:24:31 EST (-0500)
  Re: traffic wardens (Grrr!)  
From: Jim Charter
Date: 2 Sep 2007 18:21:30
Message: <46db376a$1@news.povray.org>
St. wrote:
>  Are they worst people in the world, or not?
>   Ok, they've got a job to do, I know. Some people are real pricks and 
> certainly deserve a ticket (or being clamped) for where they're parked, 
> that's for sure. But, what about the 'Little Hitler' wardens? Are they Scum 
> or what? And I mean Scum too.
>     Yes, yes, I got a ticket - first one ever in 20 years of driving. It 
> wouldn't be so bad if I was on double yellows, or parked/blocked somewhere I 
> shouldn't have, BUT, take a look at the attached, that car isn't mine, but 
> that's *exactly* how I parked on the 24th August. It's a TWO CAR BAY. The 
> reason I got a ticket? My rear wheels were over the back line just like that 
> car. I took that picture this morning, but wait, it's Sunday, I doubt if he 
> got a ticket...
>    You know, I'm raging with anger about it, really. That image is being 
> printed out and sent with a letter to the local council. I'll first get them 
> to admit that it's a two car bay, and then I'll argue why the bay isn't big 
> enough for two cars*, and if they say it is, (which they can't), I'll ask 

> they insist I pay it, I'll pay it, but it will cost THEM 5 times as much, 
> and then I'll have MY satisfaction!  >:o(
>     This is why the world is angry.
>          ~Steve~
>    *Two years ago, I watched some council workers out of that very window 
> measuring that very bay and all of the bays in that road - but then nothing 
> happened, no change whatsoever. Why did they do that?
Dunno Steve, I'm thinking you'll loose this one.  I mean suppose the 
foreward car was some big mother Esplanade or something else huge, a 
motor home or something, such that it is taking most of the space.  Are 
you going to insist that because it is a 'two-car' space you can park 
your minicoup or whatever, and block the guy's drive, just because maybe 
you can get your front nose over the line and into some fraction of the 
space?  Or what if 4 motor bikes were there?  Seems like you could park 
whatever you want as long as you don't violate the end markings, but if 
you can't fit your car in, however reasonable its size, then you just can't?

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